Roadrunner Records

Review: Killswitch Engage

Killswitch Engage "Alive Or Just Breathing" (Roadrunner Records) Bark and smack hardcore with the metal rip.  Crunch them riffs apart.…

10 years ago

Review: Sinch

Sinch "Something More" (Roadrunner Records) One of those 'some of this and some of that' bands.  Every element here is…

10 years ago

Review: Jerry Cantrell

Jerry Cantrell "Degradation Trip" (Roadrunner Records) "Degradation Trip" is a more than apt name for the title of this album…

10 years ago

Review: Sepultura

Sepultura "Under a Pale Grey Sky" (Roadrunner Records) A fantastic 2-CD set, capturing the very last live performance of the…

10 years ago

Review: Type O Negative

Type O Negative "Life is Killing Me" (Roadrunner Records) How beautifully bleak Type O Negative paints their world.  Underneath the…

10 years ago