Pouring Molten Salt into an Aquarium


That is a screen still from YouTube user TheBackyardScientist shortly before his mom asked, “Why are all the fish swimming in the bathtub? Where the hell is the fishtank?”

By ‘scientist’, he means, ‘melt and explode things’… the backyard part is accurate. Although his backyard is probably nicer than yours.

Apparently salt melts. Better yet, when you take melted salt and introduce it to a fish-tank full of water, you get some homeless fishes.

This is why they stopped selling melted salt at Sea World.
This is why they stopped selling melted salt at Sea World.

The guy racks up millions of views destroying things in the name of science. Well done, sir. Well done.

Here is a selection of some of his other interesting videos… because… SCIENCE!

Molten Aluminum Vs ‘Spitballs’

Pouring Molten Aluminum In a Watermelon. Awesome Surprise!

Wood burning With Lightning. Lichtenberg Figures!



You knew this was coming…