Review: The Yo-Yos “Uppero and Downero”

The Yo-Yos
“Uppero and Downero”
(Sub Pop Records)

Wow! Excellent pop rock by the impeccable Yo-Yos.  Sporting the greased up pompadours and the leather jackets, the Yo-Yos return with their most promising album yet.  “Uppero and Downero” provides a healthy dose of magnetic lyrics, polished guitar leads, mysterious bass lines and blasphemous drumming. The chorus lines are catchy, kind of makes your head bob from side to side.  Let’s take “Time of Your Life”, “Sunshine Girl”, and “Hanging Up” as danceable tunes you would expect to hear on a ’80s teen flick. and the ’80s rocked! The entire album is rock n roll and will bring the dance machine out of you!