Review: Strike Anywhere

Strike Anywhere
“Exit English”
(Jade Tree)

The second (okay, third) release from Strike Anywhere is good, I guess. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking rock this band. They’re like a combination of Hot Water Music and Good Riddance, except they sound good. Because those other bands sound like crap. Hey, I’m sorry if you like HWM or GR. Must suck to like crap. “Exit English” doesn’t sound as much like a ‘new’ album per say but a continuance of their previous and most excellent 2001 release, “Change is a Sound”.

Tight, quick tempo’ed Richmond punk, politically charged lyrics, crowd chants, good stuff like that. Twelve tracks make this a worthwhile choice for the Strike Anywhere fan, who probably already owns this album anyways. The band is excellent live as well and are chill guys to boot, so what’s not to love? They’re worth checking out if you like moderately fast, Richmond hippie punks and not crap.