Review: MAN

(Times Beach Records)

MAN is angry.  “Fuck the Team” says MAN.  “Goddamn the Christians” says MAN.  “Go Fuck Yourself” says MAN.  “The Soul of MAN has been fed indigestibles” and it shows.  MAN plays a distorted bass and stamps on a kick drum and bitches most poetically.  It’s “minimalist punk” sez the kit.

MAN is not for everyone.  I like MAN.

I feel his angst and hear his complaints with a sympathetic beer.  “Beer for MAN” proclaims MAN.  “Kill the evil germs, fucking on the floor, I’m a WASP cleanaholic, I’m not a dirty whore!” sings MAN.

Most everyone I share MAN with does not like MAN.  This makes me like MAN even more.  Fuck all of you.  Five member bands do not accomplish what MAN does with himself.  One listen to any of these songs, and you know MAN has big brass ones to stand on a stage and be MAN.

MAN kicks all of your asses and you don’t even know it.