Review: Love Life

Love Life
““Here is the Night, Brothers, Here the Birds Burn””

Baltimore’s Love Life are the black thorn in the side of an indie-rock scene bloated with dull exercises in neo-prog technical prowess or paint-by-numbers displays of so-called “emotion”.  The underpinnings are gothic, but they are anything but retro.  Love Life literally attack the listener with an atmosphere of frantic darkness that is devoid of cliché.  Katrina Ford’s vocals are simply drenched in terror and passion while the guitar/organ moves like shards of glass being pushed along a splintering hardwood floor.  The bass paces violently like some caged exotic animal and the drums throb and quake like a panicked heart.  Love Life are often labeled as a “difficult” band, but anybody who thinks art should be any easier or more comfortable to deal with than love or life is simply missing the point anyway.  An incredible band.