Review: Falconer

““Sceptre Of Deception”

Falconer are power metal for anyone who might be into the likes of Halloween or for fans of WWE Superstar Chris Jericho’s Fozzy. The musicianship here is undisputed as Falconer have a crisp sound and know how to play their instruments. The guitar solos are right outta the Iron Maiden back catalogue with their high pitched riffage and blazing solos.

I don’’t think anyone can knock the band’s ability to craft well written songs here but what I can’t seem to get past is the whole Dungeon and Dragons like quality to the lyrics. I wasn’’t in the whole fantasy thing when I was younger and it seems that much lamer now then it did then. While a song like ‘Hooves Over The Northland’ may ignite some people to sake throw up their metal horns, it makes me want chuckle. Sure the songs are solid but this is far too cheesy lyrically.